Monday, February 8, 2010

In His hands

I've been going through a very difficult situation lately. It's been so rough that it has kept me up some nights, I would burst into tears at a moments notice, and at one point I even became withdrawn from my loved ones. On Sabbath morning, I woke up and turned on my Pandora Yolanda Adams station and what was the first song that played? This too shall pass!! The chorus spoke volumes to me:

This too shall pass
Like every night before it
He'll never give you more than you can bear
This too shall pass
So in this thought be comforted
It's in His hands
This too shall pass

It was in that moment that I thought, "What is there that my God can't do?". Why am I carrying this burden alone? I made the decision to put my dilemma in His hands and what a weight has been lifted off my shoulders!

What are carrying that you should turn over to Him?


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