At first watching basketball was just a way for me to spend time and bond with my dad but I found myself tuning in when he wasn’t around. Don’t think I’ll be going around spitting stats, knowing all the players on the team rooster or have my TV on Sports Center non stop, but I am now a fan. I will be on the edge of my seat waiting to see if that 3 pointer at the buzzer will change the result of the game. You’ll hear my “Oooooohhhh” after seeing a magnificent dunk. You’ll see me clap when a layup is done with style and agility. I’ll be chuckling when the players entertain me with their handshakes and dance moves. I’ll also be kissing my teeth when I see Kobe give his smug expression. The Cav’s are playing the Nuggets tonight so it’s time to go. Don’t worry Grey’s Anatomy lovers, I’m DVR’ing it…lol.