Friday, September 10, 2010

Rollercoaster of life

On this journey called life I've always been fortunate enough to have my brothers by my side and that thought didn't cross my mind until I was sitting in between them on the SheiKra roller-coaster at Busch Gardens. My younger brother David is terrified of coasters but of course my oldest brother forced him on as I teased him for being a punk. For most of his life, that's what Dean's role has been, telling David what to do while I provoke and laugh at him from a safe distance.

As we made our way up the incline slowly, my excitement began to escalate. I started squealing with anticipation and gave David's arm a little squeeze, hoping he was enjoying the build as much as I was. It made me think of times in my life when I just know something good is going to happen, when I get that feeling of this is it and the first person I call is him. I looked over at David and his expression read, "I don't know what you smiling for because I know what's to come." This is normally the same reaction I get when I talk to him of the "good vibe I'm getting". He's there to help me see the big picture, remind me not to get too excited, and to always hope for the best but expect the worst.

As we reached the top of the hill my stomach dropped and panic took over as the coaster made the right turn and dropped to the ground below. I turned to Dean at this point as I would often do in my real life. When things seem out of control, I'm scared and things are moving too fast, he's the one able to give me soothing words of encouragement always ready to protect me, reminding me everything in life is a lesson learned.

I'm able to enjoy every loop, roll, u-turn, flat spin and brake run this SheiKra of life has to offer me. No matter the 90 degree drop, if I'm suspended above air, or come across a surprise twist, I have my brothers by my side and that's what I need in this roller coaster we call life.


  1. Awwwwwww... I love this one. Rotfl @ ur face and davids in the corner. Nothing like family right by your side. I wanna goto Bush Gardens.

    C'est Moi, Samii™

  2. This is great! Brothers are pretty awesome!!



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