Friday, September 10, 2010

So I lied...

So I lied. I said I was going to blog everyday of my vacation but that didn't happen. In fact I'm blogging about it weeks after the fact... sue me!!

All that matter is that I had a wonderful time with my family. I got to hang out with my two crazy cousins, Lauren and Janelle and Lauren's boyfriend Calvin the

I was able to suffocate my nieces and nephew and I got to witness really how great my brothers are as fathers...

all while watching dolphins, touching sting rays, swimming, hanging poolside, hoping to get splashed by Shamoo, riding roller-coasters, sharing whispers with my sister in law, eating like the beast I am, and of course sipping on things that make me giggle. I even got to see one of the first friends I made when I lived in Fl, Philip. I was even lucky enough to be around when you got his acceptance phone call into nursing school (congrats again).

And how could I forget heading down to South FL to help my cousin Lisa celebrate her graduation from her Physician's Assistant program. I also got to stay in her beautiful new home. The time we spend together is never enough and I hope to see her again soon.

I can't wait until next summer to make some new memories with some of my favorite people.

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