Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's the little BIG things...

So Valentine's Day is 4 days away and while the women of the world are gearing up to receive their 12 long steam red roses, diamond earrings, dinner at 5 star restaurants, etc... It makes me think of the smaller gestures that put a big smile on my face. I call them the little BIG things. Like...
  • Holding my hand when you're driving (even if it's stick shift)
  • Calling and letting me know a song on the radio made you think of me ( and I don't mean Petey Pablo's Freek-a-Leek)
  • Texting me in the middle of the night when you wake up and can't go back to sleep because I'm on your mind (just make sure I don't work in the morning)
  • Telling me I'm the prettiest with sweat pants, hair tied, chilling with no make up on (yes I quoted a Drake lyric)

Ok, ok I can't let the men of the world know how easy it is to make me smile and cause my heart to flutter. Some things they need to discover on their own...

What are your little BIG things??


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